HomeAsusAsus ROG Phone 5s Pro 4G Technology explained

Asus ROG Phone 5s Pro 4G Technology explained

Asus ROG Phone 5s Pro 4G

Cellular technologies have advanced enormously; one of the main developments is the development of 4G technology. It’s a term that you’ve surely faced in your daily life, but what is 4G? And is Asus ROG Phone 5s Pro 4G enabled? We will answer these and other questions related to Asus ROG Phone 5s Pro 4G technology in the following article.

Does the Asus ROG Phone 5s Pro have 4G?

Absolutely, Asus ROG Phone 5s Pro has the necessary hardware and software to enable 4G bands.

is Asus ROG Phone 5s Pro 4G ?

How do you tell whether Asus ROG Phone 5s Pro is 4G-enabled or not?

It is important to check whether your phone supports 4G before purchasing it. The easiest option is to verify your phone specifications in your phone box, or in the user guide. If you don’t have the box or lost the manual, you can check your phone specifications on the official website of the manufacturer or any other reliable website.

The second way is verifying the status bar. If the Asus ROG Phone 5s Pro 4G data is turned on, you will notice a 4G (or an LTE) sign at the top of the device’s display. Note that the absence of that symbol doesn’t necessarily mean that your phone doesn’t support 4G.

Another way is to check the settings: Go to your settings and search for network mode, usually as follows: Settings > Cellular (or Mobile Data) > Cellular Data Options (or Mobile Data Options). If your phone has 4G you will find a 4G or an LTE option. If you don’t see either of them, then your smartphone isn’t 4G-enabled.

How to switch to 4G on Asus ROG Phone 5s Pro?

If you would like to activate your Asus ROG Phone 5s Pro 4G network, then follow the instructions (it might differ slightly from the settings on your own device):

1- From Home screen, choose Apps.
2- From the Apps tab, tap Settings.
3- Choose Network & Internet.
4- Choose Mobile network.
5- Choose the SIM card you want to manage.
6- Make sure the Mobile data is on.
7- Select Preferred network type.
8- Choose 4G or LTE option.

Note: If you need to switch off 4G then choose an inferior network type (e.g. 3G) or tap Only 5G if it’s possible.

how to switch to 4g on Asus ROG Phone 5s Pro 4G

Introduction to 4G technology on Asus ROG Phone 5s Pro

It is the name used to describe fourth-generation of cellular communication technology. It was identified in 2008 by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), an organization that specifies the specs of 4G technology and previous technologies such as 2G and 3G. 4G is now the higher cellular technology adopted by most mobile phones in the world.

4G comes with speeds faster than its ascendant 3G. Thus, its release extended the use of smartphones. Presently, phone users can do almost the same activities that were only achieved on computers before the emergence of 4G.

The best famous technology labeled 4G is LTE and the technologies developed from it (e.g. LTE-A). Usually, people confuse the two terms. For Asus ROG Phone 5s Pro 4G to be useful, it should be correspondent to the protocols used by local wireless service providers.

Why is 4G on the Asus ROG Phone 5s Pro important?

4G surpasses the old generation in terms of speed and latency. It provides 10 times better downloading and uploading internet speeds. The average 3G speed is around 5 Mbit/s, and the average 4G speed is about 50 Mbit/s.

In terms of latency, 3G has a 100 ms latency, while 4G has half of that, meaning 50 ms, which is preferable because latency is a time delay between the sender and the receiver. Although the difference is only 0.05 seconds, it presents a vast advantage in live interactions, like gaming experiences and live broadcasting.

VoLTE is a protocol that gave 4G a boost. It allows users to make improved voice calls and surf the internet while talking on the mobile. These advantages make Asus ROG Phone 5s Pro 4G technology a great tool in your hand.

4G on Asus ROG Phone 5s Pro

What are 4G bands? And which bands are available in the Asus ROG Phone 5s Pro?

4G and other mobile networks use radio waves to transfer data. These waves have different lengths and frequencies. To prevent interference between signals, governments and the ITU regulated which regions use which frequencies for 4G.

Each region has been allocated certain frequency intervals known as bands. Band number 7 and band number 28 (as an example) are used all over the globe.

What you should know as a consumer is that each cellular provider provides specific bands according to the area, and different phones enable different bands. So you have to make sure that your Asus ROG Phone 5s Pro supports the bands offered by your local cellular operator.

Here are the Asus ROG Phone 5s Pro4G-supported bands:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 32, 34, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 48, 66, 71;.

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