HomeHuaweiThings You Don’t Want to Miss About 4G in Huawei G10

Things You Don’t Want to Miss About 4G in Huawei G10

Huawei G10 4G

The term 4G has become general, but little is known about it, except for the fact it’s related to the internet on phones. So if you want to get the answer to questions like what are the advantages of 4G? Is Huawei G10 4G capable? How to turn it on? And more details about the Huawei G10 4G, then this article is for you.

is the Huawei G104G-compatible phone?

Yes. 4G technology is one of Huawei G10’s various features.

How do you tell whether Huawei G10 is 4G-enabled or not?

How do you tell whether Huawei G10 is 4G-enabled or not?

It is essential to check whether your device supports 4G before purchasing it. The easiest method is to verify your device specifications in your phone package, or in the user guide. If you don’t have the box or lost the user guide, you can see your phone specifications on the official website of the manufacturer or any other trustworthy website.

The second way is verifying the indication bar. If the Huawei G10 4G data is running, you will notice a 4G (or an LTE) sign at the top of the device’s screen. Note that the absence of that symbol doesn’t necessarily mean that your phone doesn’t support 4G.

Another way is to check the settings: Go to your settings and look for network mode, usually as follows: Settings > Cellular (or Mobile Data) > Cellular Data Options (or Mobile Data Options). If your phone is 4G-capable you will find a 4G or an LTE option. If you don’t see either of them, then your smartphone isn’t 4G-capable.

How to switch to 4G on Huawei G10?

If you want to activate your Huawei G10 4G network, then follow the instructions (it might differ a bit from the settings on your own device):

1- From Home screen, choose Apps.
2- Select Settings.
3- Select More.
4- Select Mobile network.
5- Choose Preferred network type.
6- Choose 4G or LTE option.

Note: If you need to switch off 4G then choose a lower network type (such as 3G).

Learn about 4G technology on Huawei G10

Learn about 4G technology on Huawei G10

4G describes cellular network technology. It was introduced by the ITU (International Telecommunication Union) and utilized by telecommunication companies. To name a system 4G it should meet some criteria.

The ‘G’ in 4G stands for generation, and 4 means the fourth one, following 3G and before 5G. 4G networks have to provide internet speeds much better than 3G, they also provide low latency, which is necessary for some uses such as gaming services.

The most common protocols specified by ITU as a 4G are HSPA+ and LTE. Huawei G10 4G and 4G in most phones today use one or both of them, which makes 4G the fastest most deployed cellular network.

Why is 4G on the Huawei G10 important?

4G is a developed technology that drives a lot of potential for users. It has much more speed than 3G technology. While the average speed of 3G is 3Mbit/s, 4G has an average of 10 Mbit/s.

Another benefit is the low latency. Despite the fact that the difference in Latency is tiny, 4G latency made HD web streaming possible, and a much more developed video games experience.

4G also has better quality voice calls, thanks to the VoLTE standard. It also allows you to check out the internet while making voice calls. All of these advantages are within your reach with Huawei G10 4G technology.

What are 4G bands? And which bands are supported on your Huawei G10?

What are 4G bands? And which bands are supported on your Huawei G10?

Before talking about 4G bands, you should find out what the frequency is. Frequency is the repetition of an event, it is quantified in radio communication by hertz (Hz).

Since radio waves are used for numerous reasons besides 4G (television broadcasting and satellite communication as examples), it is necessary to identify which frequencies must be used for what use. Otherwise, radio waves will contradict, and it would be a mess.

Governments and ITU allocated each range of frequencies (called bands) to certain uses.

What you should consider as a consumer, is whether the Huawei G10 4G bands are the same as the bands offered in your area by your local carrier or not.

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