HomeXiaomiEverything about NFC on Xiaomi Black Shark 5 RS

Everything about NFC on Xiaomi Black Shark 5 RS

NFC stands for Near Field Communication, which allows two devices to communicate when they are in close proximity or touching each other. It is a technology that was at first developed for contactless payment transactions, but has now found its way into many mobile devices due to its high level of security. Follow the explaining below about how to use NFC on Xiaomi Black Shark 5 RS.

Does Xiaomi Black Shark 5 RS have NFC as a wireless technology?

Yes, Xiaomi Black Shark 5 RS has an NFC feature which is activated by a small card inside the phone called a chip.

NFC on Xiaomi Black Shark 5 RS

How to turn on NFC on Xiaomi Black Shark 5 RS? – Activation NFC

To turn on NFC on Xiaomi Black Shark 5 RS, follow these steps:
– Go to settings.
– click on connections.
– Scroll down and turn on the switch of NFC.
Now NFC is active in your phone and you can use it or even turn it off if you want. To get benefits from NFC, you need to know how to use NFC on Xiaomi Black Shark 5 RS in terms of paying, scanning tags and writing tags. So, continue reading as we will explain more about these topics.

How to scan the NFC tag on Xiaomi Black Shark 5 RS?

Scanning an NFC tag on Xiaomi Black Shark 5 RS, comes after downloading a writing app like TagWriter by NXP. You just need to open the app, and hold your phone close to the tag then scan it. The following paragraphs clarify more about installing and using writing apps.

is NFC on Xiaomi Black Shark 5 RS ?

Transferring files using NFC on Xiaomi Black Shark 5 RS

To transfer files from Xiaomi Black Shark 5 RS to an Android device, you need to download send anywhere (File Transfer) app. After downloading the app in both, Xiaomi Black Shark 5 RS and the other device, click on send option in the bottom left corner of the app.
In the other phone, tap on yes, I agree and close the window. On Xiaomi Black Shark 5 RS, tap on
– Newly installed apps.
– Send anywhere.
– Media files from screenshot or another folder.
Now remove the mark from the first two options and keep it for the files you want to send them. Next, click on send and got it.
– Tap on the upper right icon
– Choose while using the app.
– Tap on the arrow in the bottom left corner.
Now Insert the key you see in Xiaomi Black Shark 5 RS on the other device, then choose while using the app. In Xiaomi Black Shark 5 RS, tap on yes I agree then close the window and tap on the photo or file in both phones.

NFC Apps on Xiaomi Black Shark 5 RS

To run NFC on your Xiaomi Black Shark 5 RS, you can install third – party apps for tasks automatization or download NFC payment apps if you want to make payments.
These changes assist use the fantastic features of your phone.

How to make contact-less payments using NFC apps on Xiaomi Black Shark 5 RS?

How to use Xiaomi Black Shark 5 RS NFC payment?

To use NFC for making payments on Xiaomi Black Shark 5 RS, you need to activate tap to pay feature by following these steps:
– Go to settings.
– Share and connect.
– Press on tap to pay.
Choose the appropriate app to use it. After that, open the app, add a card and enter the bank and card details. Whenever you want to pay, open the app and put it close to the other device and tap to pay.

how to switch NFC on Xiaomi Black Shark 5 RS

How to install NFC writing apps for android?

To write NFC tag you need to:
– turn on NFC on Xiaomi Black Shark 5 RS.
– Buy a blank NFC tag.
– Install Writing app (NXP tagwriter).
After downloading the app open it and continue reading the following paragraph about writing the tag by this app.

How to Write NFC tags on Xiaomi Black Shark 5 RS

To automate tasks by scanning tags, you need to write commands using a tag and NFC writing app. To write the tag:
– Open the app.
– Tap on write tags in the top right.
– Choose New Data set.
You will find many options, select the link for example to enter a URL.
– Choose the URL type.
– Enter the domain in the other field.
– Select save and write.
In the next screen you will find all of the options unchecked. Click on write, hold your phone, then move the tag in front of it and the confirmation screen will appear.

NFC on Xiaomi Black Shark 5 RS

What is the memory I need to write an NFC tag?

The memory you need to write an NFC tag is not the same because if you want to write or store a web address, you will need 19 bytes, while you need 68 bytes for SMS. As for Emails, it requires at least 83 bytes.

What do you need to use NFC on Xiaomi Black Shark 5 RS?

Using NFC on Xiaomi Black Shark 5 RS requires you to be familiar with Xiaomi Black Shark 5 RS NFC settings that include :
– Turning on NFC: A process of activating NFC from settings.
– Using the antenna: A sensor makes it possible to share data wirelessly.
– Scanning: Making contactless communication between two phones using the NFC sensor.
– Paying: using the NFC feature to make contactless payments.
– Transferring data: Sending data from one device to another by using NFC.

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