Most phones nowadays are 4G enabled, fulfilling the need for good speed. So is Asus Zenfone Max (M1) ZB556KL 4G enabled? And what is 4G in the first hand? We will answer that and explore other issues related to Asus Zenfone Max (M1) ZB556KL 4G.
is the Asus Zenfone Max (M1) ZB556KL4G-eligible phone?
Yes. Asus Zenfone Max (M1) ZB556KL is able to use 4G Network.
How can I know whether Asus Zenfone Max (M1) ZB556KL is able to use 4G or not?

The safest option to check the availability of 4G network in any phone, is to check the official website, or the official packaging.
Another safe option is turning on mobile data, and checking whether the phone connects to a 4G network or not, you’ll know that simply by the emergence of a 4G or LTE sign in the signal bar.
Another way is to check the settings: Go to your settings and search for network mode, usually as follows: Settings > Cellular (or Mobile Data) > Cellular Data Options (or Mobile Data Options). If your phone is 4G-capable you will find a 4G or an LTE option. If you don’t see either of them, then your smartphone isn’t 4G-capable.
How to switch to 4G on Asus Zenfone Max (M1) ZB556KL?

If you intend to activate your Asus Zenfone Max (M1) ZB556KL 4G network, then follow the instructions (it might change slightly from the settings on your own device):
1- From Home screen, choose Apps.
2- From the Apps tab, tap Settings.
3- Choose Connections.
4- Tap Mobile network.
5- Make sure to slide Data enabled option to turn it on.
6- Tap Preferred network type.
7- Select 4G or LTE option.
Note: If you need to turn off 4G then choose an inferior network type (3G for example) or tap Only 5G if it’s possible.
Introduction to 4G technology on Asus Zenfone Max (M1) ZB556KL
The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is the entity that defined 4G in the first place, 4G is the fourth generation of wireless technologies. It comes just after 3G and preceding 5G.
4G has very high internet uploading/downloading speeds, ten times more than 3G, Which is enormous. It also has 50ms latency, much less than 3G.
4G is not just one technology, but a set of technologies compatible with ITU specifications. It includes LTE, LTE+, and HSPA+.
Feature of 4G technology on Asus Zenfone Max (M1) ZB556KL

4G is an evolved technology that drives a lot of possibilities for users. It has much more speed than 3G technology. While the average speed of 3G is 3Mbit/s, 4G offers an average of 10 Mbit/s.
Another benefit is the low latency. Although the difference in Latency is tiny, 4G latency made HD web streaming affordable, and a much better video games experience.
4G also has better quality voice calls, thanks to the VoLTE standard. It also allows you to check out the internet while making voice calls. All of these advantages are within your reach with Asus Zenfone Max (M1) ZB556KL 4G technology.
Get to know 4G bands in your Asus Zenfone Max (M1) ZB556KL

Before talking about 4G bands, you should know what the frequency is. Frequency is the repetition of an event, and it is measured in radio communication by hertz (Hz).
Since radio waves are exploited for several purposes besides 4G (television broadcasting and satellite communication as examples), it is necessary to identify which frequencies must be used for what purpose. Otherwise, radio waves will contradict, and it would be a mess.
Governments and ITU designated each range of frequencies (called bands) to specific uses.
What you should consider as a user of Asus Zenfone Max (M1) ZB556KL, is whether it supports the bands offered in your area by your local carrier or not. The Asus Zenfone Max (M1) ZB556KL4G-supported bands are :
1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 20, 40 – A version;1, 3, 5, 8, 40 – B version;1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 17, 28 – D version;1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 18, 19, 26, 28, 38, 40 – C version;.